Welcome to BTD

at a glance
Bmore Than Dance was founded by CEO Errigh LaBoo, who monitored and participated in an underground dance movement in Baltimore City called “Rock Off/Shake Off”. He organizes and manages troupes and individual dancers, djs, emcees, and producer not only to compete against each other in a variety of competition across the nation, but also helps them to reach their potential and pursue their dreams.
The Shake Off Dance form was created through exposure to house music, eventually reaching past clubs to influence dancers across Baltimore. Shake Off is extremely entertaining--drawing on many elements of hip-hop, vogue, krump, and tap (to name a few,) it is also incredibly expressive and serves as an emotional outlet for many dancers.
Bmore Than Dance gives back to Baltimore through outreach to inner city public schools, lessons, seminars, workshops, and charitable donations.

We Know
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Advocacy is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
We Seek
To use dance and art as a means to expand awareness and positivity to the community, for we believe dance is highly beneficial in a community where the arts are not emphasized as an alternative outlet to destructive behavior
We Hope
To prove to the youth of Baltimore that their talent is valuable, to not give up, and to continue pursuing dreams. These talented individuals who have a passion for artistic expression with limited outlet to explore it fully.
They believe a permanent space to rehearse and perform would only increase its’ effectiveness.